Funza Lushaka Bursary: Empowering South Africa’s Teaching Aspirations


South Africa’s educational landscape thrives on passionate and dedicated educators. The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme, administered by the Department of Education, stands as a cornerstone initiative in nurturing the nation’s future teaching force. This comprehensive bursary program empowers aspiring educators by alleviating financial burdens associated with obtaining teaching qualifications. By targeting critical needs in specific subject areas and fostering a commitment to public education, Funza Lushaka paves the way for a brighter educational future for South Africa’s youth.

Benefits of the Funza Lushaka Bursary: A Stepping Stone to a Fulfilling Career

Beyond the immediate financial support for educational expenses like tuition, accommodation, learning materials, and potentially a living allowance, the Funza Lushaka Bursary offers a multitude of benefits for aspiring teachers:

  • Investing in High-Demand Fields: The bursary prioritizes specializations in Mathematics, Science, and Technology, ensuring a well-rounded teaching force equipped to address the evolving needs of South African learners. This focus on critical areas allows recipients to contribute significantly to building a robust foundation in STEM education.
  • Guaranteed Employment: Upon successful completion of the teaching qualification and fulfilling bursary obligations, Funza Lushaka recipients are offered teaching positions at public schools. This guaranteed employment provides a clear career path and fosters stability for new educators, allowing them to focus on making a positive impact in the classroom from day one.
  • Promoting Social Upliftment: The bursary program opens doors for individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue a profession that directly contributes to societal progress. By enabling access to quality teacher training, Funza Lushaka empowers individuals to become agents of change within their communities, inspiring future generations and nurturing a culture of lifelong learning.

Eligibility for the Funza Lushaka Bursary: Taking the First Step Towards a Rewarding Career

The eligibility criteria for the Funza Lushaka Bursary ensure that the program supports individuals who possess the dedication and potential to excel in the field of education:

  • Age: First-time applicants must be 30 years old or younger. This focus on young and aspiring educators fosters a vibrant teaching force with fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to learning.
  • Citizenship: South African citizenship is required. The bursary program prioritizes investing in the nation’s own talent pool, ensuring that qualified educators contribute directly to enriching South Africa’s educational landscape.
  • Academic Record: A strong academic background demonstrates a commitment to learning and intellectual growth. This requirement ensures that bursary recipients possess the necessary academic foundation to excel in their teaching studies.
  • Field of Study: The bursary prioritizes students pursuing a four-year Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree, with specializations offered in Foundation Phase (Grades R-3), Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6), or Senior and Further Education and Training (Grades 7-12). This targeted approach allows the program to address specific needs within the educational system.

Applying for the Funza Lushaka Bursary: A Roadmap to Success

The application process for the Funza Lushaka Bursary is typically conducted annually. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigate the application stages:

  1. Register on the e-Government Portal: The first step is to create an account on the Department of Education’s e-Government Portal: This online platform streamlines the application process and allows for easy access to application materials and updates.
  2. Locate the Bursary Scheme: Once registered, navigate through the e-Services menu and locate the dedicated section for the Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme. This section will provide all the necessary information and resources for completing your application.
  3. Gather Required Documents: Carefully review the list of required documents, which may include certified copies of your ID card, academic transcripts, proof of residency, and any other relevant supporting documentation. Ensuring you have all the necessary documents readily available streamlines the application process.
  4. Complete the Online Application: The online application form will request detailed information about your academic background, career goals, and chosen field of study within the BEd program. Filling out the application accurately and comprehensively is crucial for a successful application.
  5. Submit and Track: Once you have completed the application form and uploaded all required documents, submit your application electronically. The e-Government Portal allows you to track the status of your application and receive updates throughout the selection process.

Additional Considerations: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Beyond

The prospect of pursuing a teaching career with the support of the Funza Lushaka Bursary can be both exciting and raise some questions. Here’s a section to address some frequently asked questions (FAQs) and provide additional resources:

  • When does the application period typically open? The application period for the Funza Lushaka Bursary typically opens annually. It’s advisable to check the Department of Education’s website ( for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and any changes to the program.
  • What if I am older than 30 years old? The bursary prioritizes first-time applicants aged 30 or younger. However, some provinces in South Africa may offer alternative bursary programs for mature students seeking a career change into teaching. Researching provincial bursary programs or contacting your local Department of Education office can provide more information on such options.
  • Is there a minimum academic performance requirement? While specific requirements may vary slightly from year to year, the bursary generally seeks applicants with a strong academic background. This demonstrates your ability to handle the rigors of a teaching qualification program.
  • What are the service obligations after completing the bursary program? Funza Lushaka recipients are required to teach at a public school for a period equivalent to the duration of the bursary received. This commitment ensures that the program directly contributes to bolstering the public education system in South Africa.

Conclusion: Shaping the Future of Education with Funza Lushaka

The Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme stands as a vital initiative in nurturing South Africa’s future educators. By providing financial support, fostering specialization in critical areas, and guaranteeing employment, the program empowers individuals with the potential to make a lasting impact on the lives of countless learners. If you are passionate about education and possess the dedication to make a positive difference, the Funza Lushaka Bursary could be the stepping stone to a fulfilling and rewarding career as a teacher in South Africa.

Taking the Next Step: Resources and Support

We encourage you to explore the following resources for further information and support:

By embarking on this journey with the Funza Lushaka Bursary, you are not only investing in your own future but also contributing to shaping a brighter educational landscape for generations of South African youth.

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