Change for R350 Relief Grant in South Africa So That More People Can Qualify
Changes to the rules governing the payment of the R350 social relief distress (SRD) grant in South Africa have been gazetted by the Department of Social Development, enabling more people to qualify.

The change raises the income cut-off for the means test from R350 to the monthly R624 food poverty line.
Previously, the grant would not have been available to anyone who received or earned more than R350 per month. This barrier has been moved to R624 with the new adjustment, and more people would be eligible.
The amendment also modifies how frequently applicants must indicate whether they need the grant by eliminating the requirement that they do so every three months.
For the time period beginning on 1 April 2022 and ending on 31 March 2023, the grant’s actual value stays at R350 per person per month.
Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu raised concerns about the large number of applications that were being turned down because of the low threshold when the changes were first put forth in July.
Only 5.2 million beneficiaries received approval out of 11.4 million applicants in June. Less than 50% of the applications are represented by this.
Past the grant
The R350 grant will now be available to more people, but the department is also looking for ways to help recipients find work.
Last week, Zulu announced that it is collaborating with other government agencies to try and locate employment opportunities for those who are still receiving or are no longer eligible for the grant.
Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu stated in response to a written parliamentary Q&A that her department has been given a budget that will allow for approximately 10.5 million SRD beneficiaries in the fiscal year 2022–2023.
However, this is a smaller population than the grant could previously support; some MPs estimate a shortfall of 500,000 individuals.
According to Zulu, National Treasury has given additional budgetary support to several government agencies in order to generate the much-needed employment opportunities that her department and Sassa are hoping to use to help recipients.
With the aim of assisting Covid-19 SRD recipients to access employment opportunities, Sassa is currently in the process of establishing a data-sharing relationship with the Departments of Public Works and Infrastructure and Employment and Labour.
Additionally, she added, “the department has finalized a framework on linking social protection beneficiaries to sustainable livelihoods initiatives, with a view to providing skills targeting the unemployed and those on the SRD database to enhance chances of employment.”
The department, its affiliates, and working development organizations will offer skill development through this program that has the potential to produce income and open up employment opportunities.
These measures, according to the official, are meant to help those who cannot be helped by social grants or the Special Covid-19 SRD Grant and to direct them toward more sustainable employment opportunities and other forms of economic activity.

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