Matric Results : Do Not Wait For Results Do Something Now !


Matric Results

Don’t Just Wait for Matric Results : Do Something Now

Don’t Just Wait for Matric Results: Do Something Now

It is January 2023 and you are waiting for Matric results for the class of 2022 but you are wondering; what do I do now while waiting for matric results? Well, there are several things you can do while waiting for your grade 12 results.

Here are a few things to do while waiting for Matric results for the 2022 academic year: Gather information on How to Get Matric Results There are several ways to get your matric results.

How to get your Matric Results?

You may get your results online on the Basic Education website, get them using the USSD code on your mobile phone, and you may also get them in newspapers and at your school.

Detailed Information Here

Find Colleges or Universities Open for Late Applications You may have not yet applied to study in 2023 and you are waiting for your results to send your applications.

Find Colleges or Universities Open for Late Applications

Universities are usually open for application for admission a year before your study year. By now you should have applied for 2023 studies. But, worry not, calm down because there are universities that open for late applications.

Find Universities open for late applications for the 2023 academic year. Apply for Bursaries for the 2023 academic year Tertiary studies require funds to pay for the registrations, tuition fees and accommodations fares.

Also Read : 2022 Matric Results Release Schedule Revealed

If you need funding for your studies for the 2023 academic year, you must search for bursaries open for the 2023 academic year. Apply before closing dates and get sorted for your studies.

Subscribe Learn About things you can do without matric two things may happen with your matric results: that is a pass or fail.

Now the question is what to do without matric.

Well, there are options you may follow without matric. One of the options is to go to a TVET college. TVET colleges allow those with grade 9 results to enrol in vocational skills and pieces of training to earn certificates when programmes are completed.

Some of the TVET courses include engineering courses such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, bricklaying, plumbing, carpentry and more. On completion of the programmes, you may be recognised as artisan in the field of your study.

Also Read : 2022 Matric Results Release Schedule Revealed

Get more info on how to upgrade your grade 12 results You may pass matric but with poor results. But that must not stop you from furthering your studies. There are programmes in place to help you upgrade your matric results.

There is a government programme and others available from private institutions. Weigh the options and go for the one that you like and improve your matric results. In Conclusion, We hope that you have learnt a thing or two to help you decide what to do while waiting for matric results. Wishing you all the best in the 2023 academic year.

Question time

Which one of the above tips above have helped you the most and why? Let us know in the comment section so we to publish your thoughts. Also, let us know what other topics you need help with.

Also Read : 2022 Matric Results Release Schedule Revealed

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