How to Access Your Matric Results Through the TUT Portal ?

Checking Your Way to Success: How to Access Your Matric Results Through the TUT Portal

The wait is almost over! Matric results are about to drop, and for eager TUT hopefuls, checking them online should be the first step towards your tertiary journey. But if the TUT portal’s mysteries seem daunting, fear not! This guide will be your roadmap to navigating the portal and unlocking your academic achievements.

How to Access Your Matric Results Through the TUT Portal

Ready, Set, Access!

  1. Gather Your Gear: Before embarking on your portal quest, have your trusty student number and ITS Pin at hand. These are your keys to the kingdom of results. If you’ve misplaced your Pin, worry not! A simple click on the “Forgot Pin?” link on the login page will guide you through a retrieval process.

  2. Launch Your Voyage: Set sail to the official TUT website: Once there, navigate to the “Examinations” tab and click on “Exam Results.” This will land you on the dedicated results portal.

  3. Unlock the Doors: Enter your student number and ITS Pin in the designated fields. Then, with a confident click on “Process,” the portal will swing open, revealing your eagerly awaited results!

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Exploring the Landscape:

Once inside, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of your performance. Each subject displays your mark, the national benchmark, and your achievement level (distinction, merit, etc.). You can also compare your results to the national average for each subject, giving you a clearer picture of your standing.

Additional Options:

The portal offers further avenues for exploration:

  • Downloadable Statements: Click “Download Statement” to save a printable copy of your results for personal records or future applications.
  • Supplementary Results: If you wrote supplementary exams, their results will be displayed separately upon entering the relevant exam date.
  • Help and Support: If you encounter any technical difficulties or have questions about your results, the portal provides helpful resources and contact information for the TUT Examinations Department.


  • Results are usually released in batches, so if you don’t see your results immediately, don’t panic! Check back regularly for updates.
  • If you have any concerns about your results, you can contact the TUT Examinations Department for clarification or to request a formal re-marking.

The Final Voyage:

Checking your matric results through the TUT portal is a simple and convenient process. With this guide and a dose of patience, you’ll be navigating the online seas like a seasoned captain, ready to chart your course towards higher education at TUT. So, raise your anchors, grab your student number and Pin, and set sail for academic success!

Bon voyage and good luck on your future endeavors!
How to Access Your Matric Results Through the TUT Portal

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