Pay: R176 310 for every annum, (An all out bundle)

Focus: Pretoria



A Grade 12 or identical capability as perceived by the South African Capabilities Authority (SAQA) and 1-2 years’ insight.

Working information on record the board, record keeping and chronicle techniques.

Fundamental PC abilities.

Information on the National Archives Act and the Least Information Security (MIS) prescripts and methods.

Stay up to date as to the appropriate prescripts/approaches and methodology that apply to his/her work landscape and the workplace of the Deputy Minister.



The fruitful up-and-comer will give a library administration to the workplace of the
Agent Minister.

Guarantee the smooth, proficient and viable progression of archives (get and disperse) between the workplace of the Deputy Minister, the Minister furthermore, the office and different designs like bunch panels, outer job
players, and so forth (I) Receive and appropriate post and reports.

(ii) Record archives in the necessary data sets/registers.

Record all archives in understanding with the applicable prescripts, for example, the National Archives Act and the MIS prescripts.

Render a general help capability in the workplace of the Representative Minister (strategic courses of action, help with the circulation of Bureau/Executive Council memoranda and help with report proliferation furthermore, copy administrations.

Control stocks and writing material as boss client agent for the Representative Minister’s office.


ENQUIRIES: Ms Tania Beukes +27 12 427 8284, Ms Louisa Kgang 012 421 7006, Mr Thabo Rangwato +27 12 427 8533



Please forward your application through email to:
(citing the applicable reference in the headline).



Office of the Deputy Minister

Pay: R124 434 for each annum, (A complete bundle)

Focus: Pretoria



A Grade 10 capability.

A legitimate driver’s permit.

1-2 years’ insight as a driver/courier.

Information on government cycles and convention.

Great interchanges abilities, relational relations, map perusing.



The effective competitor will deliver a driving and related help capability in the workplace of the Deputy Minister. Gather and convey archives.

This would, among other, involve the accompanying: gather, convey and circulate archives what’s more, packages for the workplace of the Deputy Minister.

Transport workers in the office of the Deputy Minister and visitors.

Render a general help capability to upgrade the working of the workplace.


ENQUIRIES: Ms Tania Beukes +27 12 427 8284, Ms Louisa Kgang +2712 421 7006, Mr Thabo Rangwato +27 12 427 8533



Please forward your application through email to:
(citing the applicable reference in the headline).



Applications should be submitted on aNew Z83 form (2021 rendition), realistic from the site of the branch of Public Service and Administration at and ought to be joined by a as of late refreshed thorough CV as it were.

Just shortlisted applicants will be expected to submit significant archives at the very latest the day of the meeting Applications got after the end date won’t be thought of.

Just messaged applications will be thought of. Would it be a good idea for you be in control of a unfamiliar capability, it should be joined by an assessment endorsement from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

Inability to present a completely finished New Z83 form and a refreshed CV will bring about your application not being thought of.

All capabilities are dependent upon confirmation.

Because of the huge volumes of reactions expected, receipt of uses won’t be recognized, and correspondence will be restricted to short-recorded applicants
as it were.

In the event that you have not been reached inside three (90 days) of the end date, kindly acknowledge that your application was ineffective.

If it’s not too much trouble, note that CV’s submitted will be obliterated following a three (3) month time span.

The Department saves the right not to make appointment(s) to the promoted post(s).

Up-and-comers whose arrangement/advancement/move will advance the
accomplishment of business value inside the Department, will get

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