When Matric Results 2023/2024 Will be Released
The Matriculation Examination, commonly known as the Matric Exam, is a important point in the educational journey of South African students. This national examination, administered by the Department of Basic Education, serves as the gateway to higher education and the workforce. Consisting of various subjects, the Matric Exam assesses the students’ knowledge and skills acquired throughout their high school years.
When Matric Results 2023/2024 Will be Released
The Matric results will be revealed on January 21, 2024, according to basic education minister Angie Motshekga, who made the announcement following a consultation with education MECs. The department determined that the releasing date for the grade 12 results in 2023 would be in January 2024.
What are the Matric Pass Requirements

The Matric Results Pass Requirements Differ According to The Level Like Bachelors Pass,Diplom,Higher Certificate,National Senior Certificate Pass.
Bachelor’s Degree Matric Pass Requirements
Passing students who receive a Bachelors Pass are granted provisional admission to any university or degree program. They must, however, earn the following grades.
- At least 40% for their home Language
- 50% for four other high credit subjects (excluding Life Orientation)
- At least 30% for two other subjects
- Must pass 6 out of 7 subjects
Diploma Matric Pass Requirements
Any University of Technology will provide students with a diploma interim admission. Additionally, they must achieve the following grades.
- Must obtain at least 40% for Home Language
- At least 40% for four other High Credit subjects (excluding Life Orientation)
- Must obtain at least 30% for two other subjects
- Should pass 6 out of 7 subjects
Higher Certificate Matric Pass Requirements
A student may apply to any college or certificate program if they pass with a higher certificate. Additionally, they must achieve the following grades.
- 40% in their Home Language
- At least 40% in two other subjects
- Must obtain at least 30% for three other subjects
- Should pass 6 out of 7 subjects
To qualify for a Higher Certificate students are required to have English or Afrikaans as their home language.
NSC (National Senior Certificate) Matric Pass Requirements
A student cannot enroll in a university after passing with an NSC. Students must therefore put in a lot of effort to avoid passing with just an NCS.
These are the scores that students must get to pass the NSC.
- A minimum of 40% for home language
- At least 40% for two other subjects
Furthermore, students can fail a subject (home language included). However, they will need to attain at least 30% for six other subjects. To clarify, students are required to have an average of 33.5% to qualify for an NSC pass.
How Are Matric Results Calculated?
The grade a student receives in their most recent matriculation will have the most impact on their future. When making a decision, potential universities and even corporations look at a student’s final matric grades.
As a result, understanding how your matriculation scores are obtained is critical in order to both appreciate the process and be prepared to protest any marks that you believe were calculated incorrectly.
National Senior Certificate (NSC) levels and the APS comparison
NSC Levels NSC% APS Levels APS% 8 90–100 % 7 80–100 % 7 80–89 % 6 70–79 % 6 70–79 % 5 60–69 % 5 60–69 % 4 50–59 % 4 50–59 % 3 40–49 % 3 40–49 % 2 30–39 % 2 30–39 % 1 0–29 % 0 0–29 %
How to check matric results online with exam number
If you’re wondering how to view matric certificate online, the procedure is simple. We offer complete instructions on how to check online matric results 2022. The results are published on the Department of Basic Education’s website, education.gov.za.

Follow the steps below to get your marks:
- Go to the government website above.
- Register using your details. (Please note you can only register for matric results until February 22nd the day before the marks are released).
- Click on the link for 2020 NSC exam results.
- Enter your examination number.
- Your results will appear on the screen.
- Click the download button and print.
In addition to the ways listed above, you can contact the Department of Basic Education after the results are available. However, it may take some time before you receive your grades through these channels because many students will be phoning the department to obtain their grades.
How to get my matric results via SMS

Send your identification (ID) number and exam number via SMS to 35658. Both numbers must have 13 digits to be accepted and there is a once-off charge of R3 to register. Once registration is completed, results will be delivered by SMS when they are released.
How to get my matric results via USSD

USSD is one of the quickest ways for you to get your matric results. If you are interested in doing it this way, all you need to do it:
- Dial this number on your phone *120*35658#
- You will be required to answer some multiple-choice questions.
- Enter your ID and examination number.
- You will then receive your matric results.
How to get my Matric results Via Newspapers

This is the traditional method of obtaining matric results, which many people still employ. This is especially popular with people who want to learn about the situation of matric education in South Africa. The Daily Dispatch is a popular newspaper in the Eastern Cape that will almost certainly have the matric results. Herald Live and the City Press are possible alternatives.